0096478 000 68009
September 10-11,2024

Conference Objectives

  • Keeping up with the latest developments in clinical sciences and basic medical sciences by studying health problems and identifying their causes and ways to prevent them.

  • Strengthening and developing relations between the University of Babylon/Hammurabi College of Medicine and Tehran University of Medical Sciences to advance scientific research to reach the global level and solid publishing.

  • Studying the most important scientific developments in the clinical and laboratory aspects to develop scientific research.

  • Discussing actual plans and solutions for medical education and e-learning technologies in the clinical field.

  • Medical education is necessary to develop and update curricula in medical colleges using modern technologies.

  • Developing cooperation mechanisms between colleges and universities in the field of scientific publishing and investing in them in the public and private sectors.

Conference Topics

Basic medical sciences

Clinical medical sciences

Medical education.

Blended electronic learning in medical colleges.

Conference Agenda

First Day (Opening)

  • A verse from the Holy Quran.

  • The national anthems of the Republic of Iraq and the Islamic Republic of Iran.

  • His Excellency the Minister of Higher Education and Scientific Research`s speech (or his representative`s).

  • The President of the University` speech.

  • A speech of the Dean of the Hammurabi College of Medicine (General Coordinator of the Conference).

  • Keynote lecture (Speaker).

  • Coffee break.

  • Discussions began according to specialty in the discussion rooms.

Second Day (Final)

  • Discussions began according to specialty in the discussion rooms.

  • Lectures from sponsoring companies and universities, if any.

  • Distributing prizes, shields, and letters of thanks to expatriates, researchers, and guests.

  • Concluding words and recommendations.

Conditions for Participation in The Conference

  • Adopting the electronic system for receiving scientific research for evaluating it.

  • The research is evaluated by the scientific committee of the conference.

  • Approval of plagiarism examination at a rate not exceeding 10%.

  • Adopting linguistic evaluation (Proofreading) to appraise the quality of the research and its suitability for scientific publishing.

  • Publication fees are required after accepting the research and submitting it in full by the researcher to the official mail of the conference, in an amount of (460 thousand Iraqi dinars).

  • Fees for the certificate of attending without submitting a research are (25 thousand Iraqi dinars).

Payment Information

Zain Cash
Mobile No. : 0096478 000 68009
Qi Card
Account No.:7115131331
Card No. : 5556 9600 1928 0371

Journals Approved at the Conference

Medical Journal of Babylon

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Iranian Journal of Allergy, Asthma and Immunology

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Keynote Speakers

Prof. Dr. Ali Salih baay
MBChB, FICMS, (Internal Medicine; Respiratory)
Hammurabi College of Medicine
University of Babylon
Dr. Hayder Abid Almahdi
University of Al-Kafel
College of Medicine
Prof.Dr. Farshid Noorbakhsh
Specialty in Clinical Neuro-degenerative disorders
Tehran University of Medical University
Prof.Dr. Bahzad Koye
Professor in General Surgery
College of medicine University Kurdistan Hewler